Monday 1 September 2014

Interior Minister Proposes Non-custodian sentence

Mr. Mark Woyongo, Minister of the Interior has proposed the establishment of non custodian sentences, as part of measures to help decongest the country’s prisons.  The Minister, who is also the Member of Parliament for Navrongo Central, made the proposal when he visited the Navrongo Central Prison to familiarize with the situation at the prisons and see how it could be improved. Most of the inmates, who were suspected criminals, said they had been in prison for four to five years without trial. They complained that they were not properly fed and had little or no soap to bath and wash their clothes with. The Prison, which is dilapidated and unclean, has a capacity to contain only 80 inmates but presently accommodating 217 inmates. Mr. Woyongo said plans are underway to hold a stakeholders meeting to chart a way to see how the laws could be reviewed to address the challenges confronting the country’s prisons and expressed hope that most of the challenges could be ironed out. The Interior Minister described the daily feeding grant of 0ne Ghana cedis eighty persewas as woefully inadequate. He stated that his Ministry will advocate for the increment of the grant to help feed the prisoners better.

Source: GNA

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