Tuesday 16 September 2014

Increase Disabled share of common fund – Disabled Group

The Ghana Society of the Physically Disabled (GSPD) has advocated the increase of its share of the district assemblies’ common fund (DACF) to five per cent. Mr. David Aniah, Project Manager of GSPD in charge of the Upper East made the suggestion in an interview with the media in Bolgatanga, during a dissemination forum organized by STAR-Ghana, a multi-donor pooled organization and Word FM Project. The forum was aimed at publishing findings on the disbursement of the DACF. He said considering the current economic crisis, the two per cent allocation to the society out of the DACF is woefully inadequate and could not help members to be able to undertake any viable business for their upkeep. Mr Aniah said since 2010 the money had not been increased. Among the key findings showed that there was no level of transparency in the disbursement of the funds as well as lack of information on the part of beneficiaries. Mr Daniel Syme, Deputy Regional Minister, gave the assurance that the Regional Coordinating Council would play its supervisory and monitoring role efficiently to ensure that the assemblies pay money meant for persons with disabilities (PWDs).

Source: Citi

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