Monday 15 September 2014

Wa Municipal Assembly supports Disabled

Wa Municipal Assembly has disbursed a total of GHC8, 802.00 to Persons With Disability (PWD) within the municipality to enable them undertake economic ventures that would sustain their lives. The amount which was part of the Assembly’s share of the Common Fund was given to about twenty four selected beneficiaries and two groups of the Ghana Blind Union (GBU) and the Ghana National Association of the Deaf (GNAD). The fund is to empower the disabled to take of their economic lives. The Municipal Chief Executive, Hon. Ishahaku Nuhu-putiaha in his address entreated the beneficiaries to try to invest the money into productive ventures to help uplift their standards of living and welfare. The Chairman of the Municipal Disability Fund Management Committee, Mr. Saeed Abdul Faruk said the selection of beneficiaries was very transparent since they had used the prescribed guidelines to arrive at the decision as to who should benefit out of the numerous applications they received seeking for support from the fund. He stated that the purpose of the fund was to empower persons with disability economically to get them out of the street begging for arms. The beneficiaries expressed their gratitude to the Assembly for the fund and promised to use it in ways that would benefit them and their dependants.

Source Citi

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