Wednesday 24 September 2014

Corn mill structure converted into clinic in West Gonja District

An abandoned grinding mill structure at Kabanpe in the West Gonja District has been converted into a health centre. Residents of the farming community have for the past 11 years been receiving health care services there. With over 600 population, Kabanpe which is a farming community is 14 miles away from Damongo Township on the Sawla road. The community is next to Laribanga where the mysterious mosque not far from the Mole Game Reserve is located. There is only one nurse in charge of the converted corn where residents of Kabanpe visit for health care. Sampana Pascal, is the nurse who operates in a small cubicle inside the corn mill building where he as well keeps his tools and attends to patients. He described the newly built Kabanpe clinic as an ancillary facility to the main Damongo-Fufulso-Sawla road project funded by the African Development Bank (ADB). Ali Kassim Bakari said government would make quality health care delivery accessible to all in the district. Nursing Officer in charge of Mole sub district, Alhassan Mohammed said residents have being relieved of traveling to Damongo Township for medical services. He anticipated that the facility will encourage health personnel to accept postings to the community. Like Oliver twist, Mohammed pleaded with government to provide incentive packages for health personnel working in remote communities. Head teacher of Kabanpe Junior High School, Fredrick Gima Iddrisu commended government for alleviating their plight. The abandoned grinding mill which is now being used as a clinic was built by a non-governmental organization called Opportunities and Industrial Centre (OIC) in Kabanpe in 2003.


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