Monday 29 September 2014

High rate of teenage pregnancy in Kpandai district

Teenage pregnancy is increasingly becoming alarming in the Kpandai District in the Northern Region. This is as a result of outmoded traditional practices such as child betrothal, force marriage coupled with high illiteracy and poverty rate in the area. The increasing phenomenon is said to be hampering girl child education in spite of efforts by some non-governmental organizations and stakeholders to curb it. A recent visit by Fiila News’ Saaka Alhassan to the Bunyan Health Center in Kpandai revealed that as at July this year, over eighty-nine teenage girls reported for antenatal care. Madam Rahina Issahaku, a nurse in-charge of the Bunyan Health Center, says some of the teenagers even get pregnant without knowing. Baanangli Rebecca is a teenager who got pregnant at the age of sixteen when she was in JHS two (2). Rebecca told Fiila News she regretted being pregnant at such a tender age since her education was truncated. At the moment, the educational goals of Rebecca and several other teenage girls in Kpandai, are likely to be shattered as their families are financially challenged and unable to enroll them in school again. Meanwhile, the Kpandai District is considered as one of the less developed districts in the Northern Region. Apart from this district, citizens of the Chereponi, Saboba and Bunkprugu-Yunyoo Districts are also noted for early and force marriages, practices which are believed to have negatively affected girl-child education and women empowered in these areas. Several interventions by state institutions and other charitable organizations towards addressing the canker of teenage pregnancy over the years seems not to be yielding any sustainable results. 

Source:Saaka Alhassan                         

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