Tuesday 16 September 2014

Tourism Ministry to train youth in handicraft

The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Creative Arts is to train about 3,000 youth drawn across the country in the arts and craft businesses. The programme is to introduce capacity building as well as modern technology in the creative arts industry to enable the youth to be gainfully employed and halt the poverty and unemployment situation among them Mrs. Elizabeth Ofosu-Agyare, the sector Minister, who made this known at the Western Regional Festival of Arts and Culture, said Japan had made available grants in support of the training programme. She added that equipment and training kits are being procured to ensure effective training. Mrs. Ofosu-Agyare said it is imperative for Ghana to maximize the gains in the creative arts industry through appropriate policies and institutions to ensure accelerated tourism growth. She said the Ministry is given attention to a draft proposal adding that, they are also in the consultative process towards establishing a creative Arts council. The Minister added that tourism continue to be a major foreign exchange earner of the country hence the need to harness it for national development.

Source: Myjoy

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