Thursday 4 September 2014

UTAG to push for maintenance of book and research allowance as condition to end strike

University teachers will hold a crunch meeting with government today to insist that the book and research allowance be maintained as a condition to end a protracted strike lasting over a month. Their position comes despite concession by government to pay the controversial allowance for 2013/14 that became the teacher's rallying point for the strike. Government had earlier maintained that it did not owe the teachers and also announced its plan to convert the book and research allowance into a research fund to be disbursed when an interested lecturer wants support for research. These two government position forced polytechnic and university lecturers to embark on strike. In the case of POTAG the strike has travelled over three months and ended after government agreed to pay the allowance last week. UTAG is still on strike. It appears the victory will only be complete after UTAG manages to get government to also rescind its decision on scrapping the allowance all together. The UTAG General Secretary expressed the association's satisfaction after a previous meeting to discuss the issue.
Source Joy

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