Thursday 30 October 2014

Passengers of domestic airlines call for improved safety regulations

Passengers of domestic airlines are calling for stricter safety regulations to ensure their safety. Their comments come after domestic airline company Starbow was forced to land abruptly yesterday. The plane made a quick emergency return from its journey to Takoradi after it experienced hydraulic warning signals 6000 feet in the sky. The Bureau of Public Safety has raised an alarm over what it describes as frequent air accidents in the country. It has blamed the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) and government for failing to do their jobs. The situation has been compounded by the failure of the Transport Ministry, the GCAA and some industry players to show leadership and sincerity to Ghanaians, the Bureau explained in a statement. The Bureau also accused the government of failing to investigate all the air accidents and making public, results from their investigations, a scenario it describes as a waiting disaster. Now passengers are also urging authorities to do more to save their lives. But management of the airline said it is putting things in place to ensure the safety of their passengers as it is investigating yesterday’s incident. Ghana Civil Association is also gathering information for the Transport Ministry for action. Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Transport, Joyce Bawa Mogtari has revealed that management of  Starbow has grounded most of its flights to carry out emergency service procedures on them

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