Friday 3 October 2014

NAGRAT demands immediate payment of withheld September salaries

The National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) is demanding the payment of the September salaries of some teachers which have been withheld by the government. According to the Association, the situation has not only brought untold hardship on the affected teachers, but also, it is hindering their ability to work effectively. A press release signed by Callistus Sung-Yare, the Publicity and Organizing Secretary of NAGRAT said the Ministry of Finance had placed an embargo on the September salaries of some teachers who were recruited in 2011. The statement claimed that the government initiated the move to reduce the public wage bill. NAGRAT thus served notice that is becoming increasingly uncomfortable “with the overwhelming positions which the Ministry of Finance has amxates to itself interfering directly in the running of Education Service.” The Association promised the affected teachers that it is aware of their disquiet and will do anything within its power to ensure that their rights are protected.

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