Tuesday 4 November 2014

There is nobody to ensure waste is dispose properly in Sagnarigu’; Sagnarigu chief

The Chief of Sagnarigu, Naa Abdulain Yakubu Gunbenkpang has stated equivocally that in his estimation, there is nobody in the district to ensure that wastes collected are disposed-off properly. According to the revered chief, if Ghanaians really want a clean environment, we must allow the institution to work and stop shifting blames on innocent people. Naa Abdulain Yakubu Gunbenkpang said tackling sanitation is not just about photo opportunities and buzzwords but action. The outspoken Chief was speaking in an exclusive interview with Fiila News at the weekend when he joined the people of the Sagnarigu district to commemorate the maiden national sanitation day. As an infant district, carved in 2012, the Sagnarigu district is battling with myriads of sanitation related problems. Among some of the areas is the almighty Gumani drainage which has since become an albatross on the Sagnarigu District Assembly. Recently, residents in Nyanshegu-Kalponi mounted a road blockage in protest over what they described as bad drainage system coupled with poor sanitation situation in the area. Barely a month, the District Chief Executive for the area was booed by resident of Gumani for similar sanitation challenges in the area resulting to perennial flooding. Meanwhile the assembly is making all efforts to get the sanitation problems in the district resolved.

Source:Shawana Yussif

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