Monday 24 November 2014

Gov’t condemns Daboya MP’s comment

Government has condemned comments made by the Member of Parliament (MP) for Daboya-Makanrigu that adulterous women should be stoned or hanged. The Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection, Nana Oye Lithur condemned the statement, stressing that the views by the MP, does not in any way represents government position. During a debate in Parliament over the Interstate Succession Bill, Nelson Abudu Banni suggested that adulterous wives must be punished by stoning of hanging. This, he said will ensure wives are faithful to their husbands. His suggestion was met with massive uproar from the general public, Human Rights Activists and pressure group OccupyGhana. OccupyGhana subsequently issued a statement demanding a condemnation of the statement from Gender Minister. They also demanded an apology from the National Democratic Congress (NDC) MP and called for his resignation as well. Even though Mr. Banni has apologized, the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection says his comments negate recent gains made on the gender front. The sector Minister, Nana Oye Lithur in an interview with Citi News indicated the government of Ghana is keen on protecting the rights of women. She once again condemned the statement adding that “the government has institutions under the Domestic Violence and Victims Support unit that protects women.”

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