Tuesday 5 August 2014

Tamale Metro Assembly invests in education

The Tamale Metropolitan Assembly has doubled its efforts to overturn the falling standard of education in the area. The assembly is constructing new classroom blocks and teacher bungalows especially in remote areas to improve the education sector. Tamale Mayor, Abdul Hanan Gundado says the Assembly’s vision is to make quality education delivery accessible to all children of school going age. Abdul Hanan Gundado implied that education remained one of the Assembly’s top most priorities. He described formal education as the panacea to reducing poverty in the Tamale Metro area. According to him, the Assembly has also deepened its collaboration with the Metro Education Directorate to intensify monitoring and supervision of teachers. Mr. Gundado lamented despite the large numbers of teachers in the metropolis, effective teaching and learning is not being undertaken in the classrooms.

Source: Saaka Alhassan

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