Thursday 21 August 2014

GNAT describes Gov’t delays of pension arrears as unfortunate

The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) has criticized government for deliberately delaying the payment of its three month pension arrears. The Association described as unfortunate, government’s failure to release monies for the payment of their 2nd tier occupational pension scheme. It further described the delay in making such payments “as a deliberate ploy on the part of government to deny teachers their due.” A press statement issued by GNAT indicated that the payment of their salaries is “taking too long to complete.” It therefore called on government to expedite action on its payment as proof of its commitment to fulfill promises made to them. On the issue of implementable credit for 2011 and 2012, the Association expressed disappointment with the Controller and Accountant General’s Department handling of the issue and ordered that all payments be effected by government without delay. The Association said though it had sent estimates covering teachers who qualify for such payments to the Ministry of Finance some months ago, no action has been taken on the issue till date. It wondered why government was unwilling to release monies when the educational sector had put in place measures for the Association to begin operating their scheme.


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