Wednesday 3 December 2014

Tamale Metro Assembly engages on refuse evacuation exercise

The Tamale Metropolitan Assembly is engaging on a mass evacuation of refuse dumps. This is part of the assembly’s efforts to enhance the sanitation situation in the metropolitan area. The mass evacuation which has begun last week will clear all refuse dumps in the city. The Public Affairs Director of the Assembly told Fiiila News the exercise forms part of the assembly’s periodic evacuation exercise of refuse heaps in the city to enhance the sanitation situation. Recently, there have been concerns by residents of the metropolis over the untidy nature of the third largest city in Ghana. This has however cast doubts on the assembly’s commitment and effectiveness in managing the sanitation situation. Meanwhile, it has been revealed that the evacuation team had already evacuated refuse heaps in communities like Jakarayili, Gumbihini Nyohini among others. 

Source:Saaka Alhassan

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