Thursday 31 July 2014

NEDCo to introduce Geographic Information Service

The Northern Electricity Distribution Company (NEDCo) of the Volta River Authority (VRA) has made known its intension to start a Geographic information system (GIS) to make directions easier for their operations. Addressing a news conference in Tamale, the Acting Director of Engineering, Ing. Moses Tawiah stated that the GIS is part of a total of 50 projects that have been lined up to map infrastructure of NEDCo. Residents in Tamale have made several complains of the poor response to emergency cases as a result poor street naming. According to Ing. Moses, NEDCo is putting up a primary substation in Tamale, WA and Sunyani to help distribute power to consumers in the various regions. An amount of 3 million US dollars has been estimated for the GIS project in Tamale and Sunyani. Meanwhile, the entire projects will entail an estimated cost of 12million US dollars. With the Geographic Information System, customers can easily be located making it easier for faults to be traced on time. It will also make revenue collection easier because it will help get a better data base of all customers. An appeal was made to power consumers to exercise maximum restraint whenever they experience power outage rather than resorting to incur their wrath on workers of NEDCo. 

Source: Shawana Yussif

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